Our Team
Our team consists of software and logistics experts. We bring together what belongs together.

Patrick PehmöllerChief Executive Officer
Since 2011, Patrick has founded five Tech-Startups himself and participated in several others as a business angel. After he retired from the operative business in 2018, we were able to convince him of the vision of Flowfox. His greatest strengths are probably his almost endless curiosity and his communication skills.

Kim KerruttChief Commercial Officer
After 4 years at Cosco Shipping in sales as a specialist for transatlantic trade as well as in operations, Kim took over the Customer Success Management at Flowfox GmbH from 01.01.2020. In July 2020 his responsibilities as Chief Commercial Officer have been expanded, especially in product development.

Kirill RuhlChief Information Officer - ext.
A passionate solution finder with over 15 years of experience in the web environment, Kirill has successfully built and expanded his know-how in various roles in fast-growing start-ups (including FINANZCHECK.de and ABOUT YOU). As CIO at Flowfox, he is the authoritative interface between logistics processes and software development.

Bastian NölkeHead of Forwarder Account Management
With his extensive experience in procurement, sales and transportation gained during his positions at Cosco Shipping, DSV, Gebrüder Weiß and Leschaco, Bastian is responsible for the onboarding and support of forwarders at Flowfox as Head of Forwarder Account Management.

Demian GrandtHead of Integrations
Demian brings over 20 years of experience as a full-stack software developer to his team. His expertise lies in the seamless integration of systems with shipping companies, forwarders and terminals to ensure efficient workflows. He has worked closely with our CEO Patrick Pehmöller for over a decade, first in his previous startups and now at Flowfox, where he continues to drive innovation.

Milena RupertusHead of HR
Trained as a shipping specialist in liner shipping, as well as having a Bachelor of Science in Maritime Management, HSBA (Hamburg School of Business Administration) and a Bachelor of Arts in English, German and Pedagogy, University of Hamburg and several years of professional experience in Finance/Accounting and HR, Milena is responsible for HR and HR processes at Flowfox.

Beat CaneSVP Carrier Account Management EMEA - ext.
With over 3 decades experience in different roles in logistics, supply chain and container shipping, Beat brings a lot of know-how and expertise from a BCO, Freight Forwarder but also Container Carrier perspective. He is passionate about further digitizing the container shipping industry.

Christian WünscheHead of Frontend Delevopment
Christian’s love for web development has been around for a decade now. Since then, technologies have evolved a lot. Especially JavaScript. Christian has developed very complex user interfaces, automations and server side applications for various companies.
Functional Programming and Test Driven Development are things he can talk about for hours.
Functional Programming and Test Driven Development are things he can talk about for hours.

Benjamin BrünjesBusiness Development Manager
After training as a shipping merchant at COSCO Shipping Lines and 3.5 years working in Customer Service Transatlantic-Trade
as well as setting up the reefer desk, Benjamin has been applying his outstanding expertise at Flowfox in the area of business development since March 2021.
as well as setting up the reefer desk, Benjamin has been applying his outstanding expertise at Flowfox in the area of business development since March 2021.